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mmegy.com 页面信息,包括网站标题、网站关键词、网站描述以及页面编码
网站标题 | MM EGYPT Exclusive Agent in Egypt - HiMedia |
网站关键词 | MM Egypt,Microbiology,Dehydrated,Culture Media,Plant Tissue Culture,Animal Cell Culture,Cell ,Culture Media,Molecular Biology Products ,Molecular Biology Kits,Reagents,Laboratory,Aids Laboratory,Supplies,laboratory,Equipments,Teaching,Kits,EducationalKits,Ready,Plates,HiMedia Laboratories, Antibiotic Sensi Disc (Box of 5x5o Discs),Antibiotic No. (Seed Agar) 500gm ,Antibiotic Medium No. ,Antibiotic Medium No. (Seed ,Agar,Anaerobic Jar (3.5 Liter) ,Amies Transport Medium 250gm ,Anaerogen (3.5L) ( Box of 10 ,Sachets,Anaerogen (2.5L) ( Box of 10 Sachets),Anaerobic Indicator ( Box of 100 ),Anaerobic , Catalyst ( Box of 5 ),Azide Dextrose Broth 500gm (Rothe),Amoxcillin /Clavulanic Acid M.I.C. ,Evaluator (Box of 10),Agar Bacteriological 500gm (Agar No1), Anaero Jar (2.5L),Andrade Peptone ,Water 500gm,Ampcillin Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Alkaline Peptone Water 500gm,Blood Agar ,Base No. 2 500gm,Blood culture system (Box of 20 bottles),Bacillus Cereus Selective Agar Base ,500gm,Bacillus Cereus Selective Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Brilliant Green Agar 500gm,Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth 500gm,Brain Heart Infusion Agar 500gm,Brain Heart Infusion Broth ,500gm,Buffered Peptone Water 500gm,Buffered Peptone Water (ISO) 500gm,Buffered Sodium,Chloride Peptone 500gm,Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth Base 500gm,Bismuth Sulphite ,Agar 500gm (Mod),Bacitracin DD (50 Disc ),Baird Parker Agar Base 500gm, Bile Salts (250gm),Bile Salts No. ,Bile Aesculin Agar 500gm,Brilliance Listeria Diff. Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ) ,Brilliance Candida Agar Base 500gm,Brilliance Candida Selective Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Brilliance Enterobacter Sakazakii Agar DFI 500gm,Brilliance ListeriaAgar 500gm,Brilliance Listeria ,Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Bolton Broth 500gm,Bolton Broth Selective Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Beta-lactamase (Nitrocefin) Sticks,Brucella Medium Base 500gm,Brucella Selective ,Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Bordetella Selective Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Brood Spectrum ,Beta Lactamase Mixture ( Box of 10 Vials ),Burkholderia Ceppacia Agar Base 500gm,Burkholderia,Ceppacia Selective Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Brilliance E.ColiColiform Medium 100gm,Brilliance E.Coli/ Coliform Medium 500gm,Brilliance E.Coli/ Coliform Selective Medium 100gm,Brilliance E.Coli/ Coliform Selective Medium 500gm,Campylobacter Test Kit (50 tests) ,Campylobacter Blood Free Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Campylobacter Blood Free Agar ,Base 500gm,Campylobacter Selective Supplement (Butzler) (Box of 10 Vials),Campylobacter ,Selective Supplement (Skirrow) (Box of 10 Vials),C.C.D.A. Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Chloramphenicol SelectiveSupplement (Box of 10 Vials),CLED Medium 500gm,Cooked Meat,Medium 500gm,Clostridium Difficile Toxin Test (20 tests),Clostridium Difficile Agar Base 500gm,Clostridium Difficile Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),CDMN Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Campylobacter Growth Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Cycloheximide 0.1% Solution,Campylobacter Agar Base 500gm,Campylobacter Gas Generating Kit ( Box of 10 Vials ),Co2 Gas Generating Kit ( Box of 10 Sachets), Gen (2.5 litre) (CD0025A),C.A.T. Selective ,Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Cary –Blair Transport Medium 500gm (CM0519B), Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Campygen (3.5 litre) ( Box of 10 Sachets),Campygen (2.5 litre) ( Box of 10 Sachets),Corn Meal Agar 500gm (CM0103B),Ciprofloxacin ,Cefixime tellurite suppliement,Cefotaxime ,Columbia Blood Agar Base 500gm,Cooked Meat Medium 500gm,Ceftazidime M.I.C. Evaluator (Box of 10),Ciprofloxacin M.I.C. Evaluator (Box of 10),Casein Hydrolysate Acid 500gm,Chlamydia + Swab (Box of 20),Czapek Dox Agar Modified 500gm,Dichloran Rose,Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar Base 500gm (D.R.B.C.),Diagnostic Sensitivity Test Agar 500gm (DSTA),Dermasel Agar Base 500gm,Dermasel Selective ,Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),DNASE Agar 500gm,Disc Dispenser 8 Place,Dichloran – G (DG18) ,Agar 500gm,Dextrose Bacteriological,Desoxycholate Citrate Agar 500gm,DG18 Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),DG18 Agar 500gm,Dextrose Trypton 500gm,Dextrose Trypton Broth 500gm,DrySpot Seroscreen (60 Test),E.C. Broth 500gm,E.E. Broth 500gm,Eosine Methylene Blue Agar 500gm,Endo Agar Base 500gm,Egg YolkEmulsion 100ml,Egg Yolk Tellurite Emulsion 100ml,Extraction Enzyme (2 vials),Edwards Medium Modified 500gm,Ejector (Box of 6),Fraser Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Fraser Broth 500gm,G.C. Agar Base 500gm ,Anaerobe Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Gelatin Bacteriological,G.B.S. Agar Base 500gm,Gentamicin M.I.C.Evaluator (Box of 10),Hemolysin Reagent,Helicobacter Pylori Selective ,Supplement (Dent) (Box of 10 Vials),H.T.M Base 500gm,H.T.M. Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Hektoen Enteric Agar 500gm,Half Fraser selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Haemoglobin Powder Soluble,Isosensitest Agar 500gm,Identification Touch Sticks Oxidase Iron Sulphite Agar 500gm,Isolater ,Kovack reagent (Indol test),Kanamycin Sulphate Selective Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Kanamycin Aesculin Azide Agar 500gm,K.F. Streptococcus Agar 500gm,Kligler Iron Agar 500gm,Legionella Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials)Listeria Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),LegionellaB.C.Y.E. Growth Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Legionella B.C.Y.E. Supplement without cystine (Box of 10 Vials),Listeria M.W.Y Selective ,Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Legionella C.Y.E. Agar Base 500gm,Legionella Latex Test (50 tests),Lactose Broth 500gm,Lactose Bacteriological 500gm Listeria Selective Agar Base (Oxford) 500gm,Listeria Selective Supplement (Oxford) (Box of 10 Vials),Listeria Enrichment Broth Base 500gm U.V.M,Listeria Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Listeria Selective Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Lauryl Tryptose Broth 500gm,Lysine Iron Agar 500gm,Low Temperature Catalyst,Lauryl Tryptose Broth (Modified) with ,Lab Lemco Powder 500gm (Beef Extract),Maximum Recovery Diluent 500gm,Microbact (20 tests),Microbact GNB (80 tests),Microbact GNB (40 tests),Microbact Reagent Indole-Kovacs 10ml,Microbact Reagent Set D (MB1082A),Microbact Mineral Oil (50ml),Microbact GNB (60 tests),Microbact GNB (60 tests),Microbact Oxidase Strips (Box of 50 strips),Microbact Staph Fast Blue Reagent 10ml,Microbact Staph (20 tests),Malt Extract Agar 500gm,M.R.S. Agar 500gm,M.R.S. Broth 500gm,M.K.T.T.N. Broth Base 500gm (ISO),M.I.C. evalutors strips (10 S.),Mueller Hinton Agar 500gm,Mueller Hinton Broth 500gm,MuellerKauffmann,Tetrathionate Broth Base 500gm,Mueller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Norobiocin Broth Base 500gm,Mueller Kanffmanntetra Thionate Novobiocin Broth 500gm,MacConkeyAgar 500gm,MacConkey Agar No.2 500gm,MacConkey Agar No.3 500gm,MacConkey Broth 500gm,MacConkey Broth Purple 500gm,M.Y.P. Agar 500gm,Mannitol Salt Agar 500gm Membrane Endo Agar (LES) 500gm,Modified Preston Campylobacter Selective Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),M-17 Broth 500gm,M-17 Agar 500gm,MUG Supplement ( Box of 10Vials ),M.R.V.P. Medium 500gm,Mycoplasma Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Mycoplasma Agar 500gm,Mycoplasma Broth Base 500gm,MOPS-BLEB Broth Base 500gm,M-Endo AgarBase 500gm,Milk Plat Count Agar 500gm,Novobiocin Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Nutrient Agar 500gm,Nutrient Broth 500gm, Anaerobe Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Nitrocefin Supplement (2x5 vials),Optochin DD (50 Discs),ONPG Discs,O.G.Y.E. Agar Base 500gm,O.G.Y.E. Selective,Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),OxacillinResistance Screening Agar Base 500gm,Oxacillin MIC evalutor Strips (10 strips),Oxoid PBP2 test detection of penicillin binding protein2 (50 tests) ORSAB Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),O.B.I.S. – PYR (60 Tests),Discs,Pseudomonas Agar Base 500gm,Pseudomonas C-F-C Selective Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials),Pseudomonas Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Pseudomonas Cetrimide Agar 500gm (USPEP),Penase (1 vial),Peptone Bacteriological 500gm,Perfringens Agar Base (TSC) 500gm,Perfringens Agar Base (OPSP) 500gm,Perfringens Supplement (T.S.C) (Box of 10 Vials),Perfringens (OPSP) Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Perfringens (OPSP) Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Polymyxin B Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Potassium Tellurite 3.5% ( 10 Amp ),Plate Count Agar 500gm,Plate Count Agar & MacConkey Agar No Dipslides 500gm Plate Count Agar Skim Milk Powder 500gm,Potato Dextrose Agar 500gm,Peptone Water 500gm Peptone Water,Palcam Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),Palcam Agar Base 500gm,Phosphate Buffered Saline (100 tabs),Peptone500gm,Purified Agar 500gm,Preston CampylobacterSelective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Protease Peptone 500gm,Raka-Ray Medium 500gm,Reagent Set Citrate Agar 500gm,Selenite Broth Base 500gm,Selenite Cystine BrothBase 500gm,Sodium Biselenite 100gm,Skim Milk Powder 500gm,Streptococcal Grouping Kit (50 tests),Streptococcal Grouping Reagent (50 tests),Staphylococcus Medium Standard Plate Count Agar 500gm,Sodium Chloride Bacteriological 500gm,Slanetz and Bartley, Medium (Enterococcus Agar) 500gm,Sulphamandelate Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),SET RPLA KIT (20 tests),Soya Peptone 500gm,Tinsdale Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),T.P.H.A. Test (200 tests),Tryptose Phosphate Broth 500gm,Tryptone 500gm,Tryptone Soya Broth 500gm,Tryptone Soya Agar 500gm,Tryptone Blood Agar Base 500gm,Triple Sugar Iron Agar 500gm,Tripple Sugar Iron Media,Tetrathionate Broth Base 500gm,Tributyrin Agar (100ml),T.T.C. Solution (Box of 10 Vials),T.T.C. Solution (0.125%),Todd-Hewitt Broth500gm,ThioglycollateBroth 500gm,Thioglycollate Fluid Medium (USP) 500gm,Thiosulphate Ringers Tablets (100 tabs),Tryptone Water 500gm,Tinsdale Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),T.C.B.S.agar 500gm,T.C.B.S. Cholera Medium 500gm,T.B.X. Medium 500gm,Tergitol-7 Agar (Modified) 500gm,Urea Agar Base 500gm,Urea Broth Base 500gm,Urea 40% Solution(Box of 10 Vials),Undrade Peptone 500 gm,V.C.N. Selective Supplement (Box of 10 Vials),Vitox Plus Diluent (Box of 10 Vials),Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar ,Violet Red Bile (Lactose) Agar 500gm,Violet Red Bile Agar 500gm (VRBA) with ,Violet Red Bile Agar with 500gm,Vancomycin Supplement ( Box of 10 Vials ),VFactor Single,Vogel-Johnson Agar 500gm,V.D.R.L. Test Kit (100 tests),Wort Agar 500gm,Wilkins – Chalgren Anaerobe Agar 500gm,Xylose Lysine desoxycholate agar(XLD) medium 500gm,X.L.D. Medium 500gm,X- Factor Single,X+V Factor (50 discs),Yeast Extract Agar 500gm,Yeast Extract Powder 500gm,Yersinia Selective Supplement(Box of 10 Vials),Yersinia Agar Base 500gm |
网站描述 | HiMedia Egypt Laboratories is one of the world leaders in microbiology. We manufacture advanced high quality products in Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Animal Cell Culture & Plant Tissue Culture. |
网站编码 | - |
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服务器IP地址 | 美国 |
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